Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Right hand: The thumb, middle finger, and little finger are touching; the index finger and ring finger are extended.

Left hand: Place your thumb joint on the nail of the index finger. Do four times a day for 4 minutes or, against acute complaints, until it has an effect.
This mudra is primarily effective when someone with a weak back has engaged in an activity (for example: garden work or cleaning) that has strained the back too much
and caused painful tensions, or when someone has sat too long in the wrong position. Backaches can have a great variety of causes. Most people have waste deposits and signs of wear, but these don't necessarily have to be painful. A diseased organ
whose nerves run through the spinal column can also cause pain.
Continuous mental strain, fears, meals that are too heavy, too little sleep,
and/or too little exercise are other causes of pain.
This mudra can be even more effective in a position that relieves the
back . When doing so, keep the chin pulled in
a bit so that the neck is stretched. This little bit of tension has an effect
down to the small of the back. After just 20 minutes in this position, the intervertebral disks are optimally nourished once again and the metabolism operates in full swing again. Perhaps you can even do this exercise during your lunch break at the office. Then you can get through the entire day without pain. What you think while you do this is also very important, which is why the image and the affirmation are particularly significant in this position.

The Yoga training Teacher

APAN VAYU MUDRA - First Aid for heart Attacks

Bend your index finger and let its tip touch the ball of your thumb. At the same time, the tips of the middle and ring fingers touch the tip of your thumb. Extend your little finger.
Do this with each hand. Use as needed until you feel the effect, or practice three times a day for 15 minutes as a course of treatment. This finger position can have a first-aid function when you use it at the first sign of a heart attack, according to Keshav Dev. It regulates many heart complications. In an emergency, it can even have a quicker effect
than placing nitroglycerin (the most frequently used immediate remedy) under the tongue.
Heart attacks, as well as chronic heart complaints, don't just come out of the blue. Instead, they are an indication that a person's lifestyle must be rethought and planned differently. (The Ornish Program has been very successful in this respect.11) This mudra can also be used for the general healing and strengthening of the heart. Heart patients are often so tied up with obligations that they no longer perceive what appears to be "senseless" from the outside. They have no time to relax. They also have a hard time coping with stillness.
something always has to be going on, and they often give so much support
to something or someone at work or during their leisure time there
is no room for their own needs. Yet, it is precisely these quiet moments
that are the ones to nourish our souls. Permit yourself some time for the
rosebud image—even if you barely have any to spare. Perhaps you can listen
to some music—music that brings you a feeling of lightness—while you do so.

BHUDI MUDRA of the Fluid

Place the tip of your thumb and little finger together; extend the other fingers in a
relaxed way. Do this with each hand.
Do as needed, or practice three times a day for 15 minutes as a course of treatment.
More than half our body weight consists of fluids. The Bhudi Mudra helps restore or maintain equilibrium in the fluid balance. It can be used against a dry mouth, eyes that are too dry and burning, or disorders in the kidney and bladder area. It also improves the sense of taste.

HERBAL REMEDY: Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi L.) heals inflammation
of the bladder, and goldenrod (Solidasgo virgaurea L.) is effective
against pyelitis.

Even physicians have greatly varying opinions when it comes to how much
a person should drink every day. It certainly isn't good to drink too little,
but we also don't feel well when we drink too much (even if it is just water).
I feel good when I drink about 1 to 1.5 quarts of liquid every day. For some
time now, I have been drinking water in a way that is connected to a ritual
and this has been particularly good for me. My ritual is as follows:
First (blessing water): According to ancient custom, water used for a specific
purpose had a spell cast on it, or was blessed. More recent research has discovered that water can actually absorb and store the energy of thoughts
and words.
Second (charging water): Water can be either weakly or intensely charged
with energy. It depends on the movement that arises when it flows. In a
natural stream, where the water is guided from side to side by the stones
(and not straight ahead as in a pipe), the energy level is considerably higher.
This is why I always stir the water in a glass in the form of an eight for
a while.
Third (linking water to the Divine) and probably most important: I consciously connect myself with the Divine, and take in its element with reverence and gratitude. Before I drink the water, I take the glass in both hands in front of my chest, speak my affirmation, and then remain in silence for a few moments. If you drink tap water, please inquire locally about the quality of your water.