Wednesday, September 3, 2008

BHUDI MUDRA of the Fluid

Place the tip of your thumb and little finger together; extend the other fingers in a
relaxed way. Do this with each hand.
Do as needed, or practice three times a day for 15 minutes as a course of treatment.
More than half our body weight consists of fluids. The Bhudi Mudra helps restore or maintain equilibrium in the fluid balance. It can be used against a dry mouth, eyes that are too dry and burning, or disorders in the kidney and bladder area. It also improves the sense of taste.

HERBAL REMEDY: Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi L.) heals inflammation
of the bladder, and goldenrod (Solidasgo virgaurea L.) is effective
against pyelitis.

Even physicians have greatly varying opinions when it comes to how much
a person should drink every day. It certainly isn't good to drink too little,
but we also don't feel well when we drink too much (even if it is just water).
I feel good when I drink about 1 to 1.5 quarts of liquid every day. For some
time now, I have been drinking water in a way that is connected to a ritual
and this has been particularly good for me. My ritual is as follows:
First (blessing water): According to ancient custom, water used for a specific
purpose had a spell cast on it, or was blessed. More recent research has discovered that water can actually absorb and store the energy of thoughts
and words.
Second (charging water): Water can be either weakly or intensely charged
with energy. It depends on the movement that arises when it flows. In a
natural stream, where the water is guided from side to side by the stones
(and not straight ahead as in a pipe), the energy level is considerably higher.
This is why I always stir the water in a glass in the form of an eight for
a while.
Third (linking water to the Divine) and probably most important: I consciously connect myself with the Divine, and take in its element with reverence and gratitude. Before I drink the water, I take the glass in both hands in front of my chest, speak my affirmation, and then remain in silence for a few moments. If you drink tap water, please inquire locally about the quality of your water.

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