Monday, August 25, 2008

Meditation 5: Little Finger Energy

The second chakra, which is the energetic center of sexuality, is associated
with the little finger. It deals with interpersonal relationships in general, as
well as partnership in particular. This classification of sexuality corresponds
with Hatha Yoga. (In Buddhism, sexuality is associated with the
ring finger.) It also contains the ability to communicate. Since the Chinese
healing practitioners found the heart meridian to be in this finger, this confirms
the yogis' thesis relating the water element to it (water symbolizes the
realm of the emotions). Joyful, fulfilling relationships not only warm the
heart, but also nourish and strengthen it. And, in turn, strong heart energy
gives us the ability to be happy. It gives us sublime feelings and improves
our mood. Our mood, which is always the sum of present feelings, can be
compared with the waves on the surface of a lake. They are rhythmically
harmonious or vehement; the water is clear and clean, or shallow, heavy,
dark and dirty.

Sit or lie down. Now encircle your left little finger with the four fingers of
your right hand, with your right thumb extending to the middle of your
left hand. Close your eyes.
In your mind's eye, you are sitting by the sea and observing the
waves—they come toward you, and roll back out and disappear.
The same applies to your feelings, moods, and also to your relationships
with others. Giving and receiving love is also subject to this
law. Be aware that you only receive as much love as you can unconditionally
give. This doesn't even have to mean great deeds. A
friendly, warm heart for fellow human beings, animals, plants,
water, air, and earth are entirely enough. Imagine someone (someone
specific or in general) happy and encourage him or her, if necessary.
Believe in this individual's abilities and good heart. Imagine
entire scenes in which this person is cheerful and smiling happily. If
you have no one close to you, then do this little exercise—perhaps
while riding the bus, train, or streetcar—in relation to a stranger. I
guarantee that you will experience wonders if you keep this up for
several days or weeks. The time will come when your heart will
overflow with joy. But the most important thing is: don't expect
anything at all for the time being. Radiate your goodwill and your
love unconditionally. Just have some patience until the seeds sprout.
Continue holding your little finger for a while and feel the flowing
warmth. Then encircle your right little finger and hold it for the same
amount of time.

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