Monday, August 25, 2008

Yoga Mudras for Improving Relationships

Our fellow human beings are our mirror! What we particularly like in others
is what we also love within ourselves. What we don't like about others,
we also reject within ourselves. We will encounter the same people over and
over until we have learned this lesson. When we are ready, the people in our
lives will change accordingly, or will disappear from our environment, and others will take their place. This may sound hard, but it is unfortunately
true. Isn't it true that other people frequently live out what we don't permit
ourselves to do? Some people annoy us with their behavior. Perhaps they
are premature in their judgments, verbally attack others, are hurtful in
their thoughtlessness, don't really listen, make us nervous with their restlessness,
think they know it all better, are mistrusting—the list is almost
endless. How do we act and react? For quite some time now, I have been
trying to decode the messages conveyed to me through other people for
myself. How am I? How do I behave? What impression do I make on others?
In doing this, I get to know myself better and have the opportunity to
change. Sometimes we are afraid of other people and their reactions, which
is why we let ourselves be manipulated and exploited. Or, by being on
"good behavior" and serving others, we want to make them love us.
Mudras 1, 12, 14, 45, and 47 can bring clarity into our relationships,
take away fear, and support the work of forgiveness. However, at this
point I would like to ask a great favor of you. If, with all of this selfcontemplation,
you notice how you still do things "wrong" time and time
again, love yourself and pamper yourself. And, in particular, laugh about
yourself instead of criticizing and scolding. There is always the next time
to try and "do things right." I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Continure reading posts of Yoga training techer for more tips

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